

Feasibility studies on optimizing energy efficiency planning and the use of renewable energy sources through the digitalization of local energy concepts and the pilot deployment of agri-photovoltaics


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Abgabe der Offerte


Feasibility studies on optimizing energy efficiency planning and the use of renewable energy sources through the digitalization of local energy concepts and the pilot deployment of agri-photovoltaics: LOT 1: A Feasibility Study will be carried out on optimizing the planning of energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources through the digitalization of local energy concepts, where a thorough review and analysis of existing digital tools and practices in energy management will be carried out, including a comparison of existing current solutions, an assessment of their efficiency, flexibility and applicability, and a study of their integration into digital A platform for local energy concepts. LOT 2: A Feasibility Study for the experimental introduction of agri-photovoltaics will be carried out. The aim of this study is to carry out a comprehensive feasibility analysis of the introduction of agrophotovoltaics in Slovenia and to implement and analyze a small-scale pilot project in the field on selected agricultural areas in Slovenia. The key result of the study will be related to the implementation of the pilot project, and the results will be used in the preparation or upgrade of the Rulebook for Agrophotovoltaics. Further Information


Art der Aufgabe

Neubau, Umbau



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