

SNP Square and Kamenné Square



Datum Publikation




Abgabe der Wettbewerbsbeiträge


Abgabe der Offerte


Slovak National Uprising Square (SNP Square) and Kamenné Square represent one of the most important urban spaces in the Bratislava of today. They are located in the city centre in the conservation zone. The area is a combination of several important layers – a socially significant space, an important public transportation transfer hub and the presence of objects subject to conservation. Similarly to some other European cities, the 20th century Bratislava was characterised by a dynamic development of central urban spaces. Despite their significance, some of them are undergoing gradual deterioration. The opinion that the present state of this public space is unsatisfactory is openly shared among experts, the public and the municipality. It is necessary to create a realistic scenario of regenerating and developing this area. The Contracting Authority decided for the competitive dialogue procedure, as the procurement contract cannot be awarded without prior negotiations because of special circumstances connected to the nature and complexity of the subject of the contract, the legal and financial conditions of the contract and related risks. Under current circumstances, the Contracting Authority is objectively not able to define the technical specifications and legal and financial requirements for the performance of the public contract in such a way as to make it possible to list all circumstances important for the performance of the contract and tender preparation in the tender documentation. In the light of the above, conditions to use the competitive dialogue procedure in line with Article 70 of the Public Procurement Act are met. Compared to other contracts in the field of designing public spaces, the subject of this contract is particularly complex in terms of the transport solution, the need to consider the requirements of a large number of local stakeholders, the historical and practical significance of the space and the presence of the Slovak National Uprising memorial. It is expected that using the competitive dialogue procedure will make it possible to reach a design/solution that will account for and solve these factors in the maximum extent possible and with a higher degree of certainty than could be expected in case of proposals submission through a standard anonymous design contest, which does not allow negotiations about the design/solution in the process of its creation. Awarding a contract using the competitive dialogue procedure enables the effective and necessary step of merging several stages of preparations for the procured subject of the contract into a single process. The only public procurement procedure that allows a gradual definition of the contract specifications based on the proposals of the candidates in the competitive dialogue and negotiations about the proposed solutions in all their aspects in line with the Public Procurement Act is the competitive dialogue procedure. More detailed information regarding the procedure can be found in chapter B. Stages of the Competitive Dialogue. The contract includes complex architectural services, especially the preparation of subsequent design stages in the following planned extent: - architectural, urbanistic and landscaping study, - documentation for the issue of the site permit, - documentation for the issue of the construction permit, - documentation for the realisation of the construction and the selection of the contractor, - professional authorial supervision, - engineering activities connected to the above services. The purpose of this process is to find a solution and people responsible for solving this relatively challenging task. The extent of services depends on the specific proposed solution and authors’ approach. Therefore, the detailed extent of services may be appropriately adjusted during the competitive dialogue. This document was negotiated by the committee during the introductory meeting on 2 October 2019 and authorised by the Slovak Chamber of Architects with the authorisation No. KA-817/2019 of November 28, 2019.



Banská Bystrica


City of Bratislava | Metropolitan Institute of Bratislava | General Investor of Bratislava

Verfahrensbegleitendes Büro

Metropolitan Institute of Bratislava

Art der Aufgabe






anonymes Verfahren


Art des Verfahrens

selektives Verfahren





Igor Marko

architect, www.markoandplacemakers.com (Mitglied mit Stimmberechtigung)

Michal Fišer

architect, www.triarchitekti.cz (Mitglied mit Stimmberechtigung)

Marko Studen

architect, www.scapelab.com (Mitglied mit Stimmberechtigung)

Daniel Zimmermann

landscape architect, www.3zu0.com (Mitglied mit Stimmberechtigung)

Pierre Alain Ttrévelo

architect, www.tvk.fr (Mitglied mit Stimmberechtigung)

Antonín Novák

architect, www.drnh.cz (Mitglied ohne Stimmberechtigung, ist Ersatz)

Michal Marcinov

MIB, member of Živé námestie, landscape architect – LABAK (Mitglied ohne Stimmberechtigung, ist Ersatz)

Roman Žitňanský

MIB – Public Space Section, architect (Mitglied ohne Stimmberechtigung, ist Ersatz)


Matúš Vallo

City Mayor of Bratislava (Mitglied mit Stimmberechtigung)

Zuzana Aufrichtová

Mayor of the Old Town (Mitglied mit Stimmberechtigung)

Juraj Šujan

Advisor to the City Mayor of Bratislava, architect in Šujan‑Štassel (Mitglied ohne Stimmberechtigung, ist Ersatz)