

Building a renewable energy system – solar collectors in health care facilities


Datum Publikation


Abgabe der Wettbewerbsbeiträge


The subject of the procurement is the performance of the service involving holding a function of the Contract Engineer for the investment project under the name ,,Building a renewable energy system - solar collectors in health care facilities", realized within the frames of the Swiss-Polish Cooperation Programme within the area of financial aid; Environment and infrastructure. 2. Within the frames of the project. Contract Engineer shall be responsible, inter alia, for: complex technical supervision, including conducting investment supervision within the meaning of the provisions of the Act of 7.07.1994 - BuiIding law (unified text: J. of L. of 2010, No, 243, it. 1623 as amended) over conducting the works at all stages of the project and making handovers and settlements for the Ordering Party. The scope of responsibility of the Contract Engineer shall cover also supervision over the realization of the provisions of the agreement concluded with the Contractor/Contractors, the scope of the works resulting from the Building law, the obligations of the Contract Engineer shall include those of: - inspector of the investment supervision in accordance with art. 25, 26 of the Building law, - coordinator of the investment supervision, in accordance with art. 27 of the Building law, - investor in accordance with art. IS of the Building law for the Ordering Party. Within the frames of the order, the Contract Engineer shall provide a complex service of the task's realization, including current updating of the Project's documentation for the needs of the Realizing Agency and the Polish law as well as advisory services in all stages of the Project's realization, - performing all obligations imposed on the Executing Agency (EA), resulting from the Agreement No. USP/SPPW/2.I.2/KIK/63 concluded between the Body Implementing European Programmes (BJEP). Detailed specifications are described in the tender documents.



Mazowieckie Voivodeship


Mazowieckie Voivodeship

Art der Aufgabe




anonymes Verfahren


Art des Verfahrens

offenes Verfahren

Regionale Einschränkung


Quelle des Ausschreibungstextes
